209: Self-Identity and Parenting in Tech with Mia Mollie De Búrca
November 18th, 2020 · 1 hr 5 mins
About this Episode
01:25 - Mia’s Superpower: Adaptability
- Applicable Skills to Basic Computer Programming
- Parsing Information
- Research
05:31 - Linguistics and Cultural Anthropology
- Linguistic Relativism (Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis)
08:36 - Parenting While Having a Career in Tech
09:42 - Objectivity and Truth in Software Development
11:04 - Tech Parenthood (Cont’d)
- Maternity Leave and Returning to Work
- Part-Time Flexibility
- “Keep-in-Touch Days”
- Returning to Work as an Individual Experience
- Discrimination & Stigma
- Multitasking Expectations For All
- Geographic Differences
- Company Culture
24:21 - Tenure in Tech, Job-Hopping, and Juggling Parenthood
- Parenting in View During the New COVID/Remote Work Era
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." – Elizabeth Stone: teacher and author
- Psychological Safety and Privilege
- Living and Operating in Fear
- Code-Switching
- Visibility of Parents
44:05 - Self-Identity in the Tech Industry
55:36 - Diversity Hiring
Mia: Psychological safety and privilege.
John: “Just because I’m psychologically safe doesn’t mean everybody else is.”
Laurie: The dichotomy of Mia and Christina’s experiences of being parents in tech.
Christina: It is possible to remain optimistic that Moms in the United States will get better.
Rein: Comfort and guilt in diversity hiring.
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