139: Conferencing
July 18th, 2019 · 59 mins 19 secs
About this Episode
02:43 - First Conference Experiences
08:31 - The Importance of Networking + Stickers!!
14:56 - Conference Fashion
16:51 - Approaching Speakers After Talks and Tricks to Remembering Names + Faces
18:49 - Speaking At Conferences
- Handling Anxiety
- Lightning Talks
- Practice at Company Lunch and Learns and Meetups
31:38 - Conveying Information in a Talk
34:59 - Crafting Proposals, What Selection Committees Look For, and Writing Talks
- The Purpose of Outlines
- Narrative Structure
- Bad/Cliche Talk Titles
- Shitposting
52:03 - Gathering Conference Talk Topic Inspiration
Coraline: Join our Greater Than Code Slack Community for friendly talk feedback!
Sam: Being a conference speaker is an awesome introvert hack. It gives people a reason to come talk to you!
Rein: You shouldn’t feel like you have to attend conferences or give talks at conference to have a career in the industry.
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